Top 10 Ways To Engage Reluctant Team Members

Engaging the Reluctant Team Member: A Proactive Approach

What’s an old-school way to engage reluctant team members? Hire a motivational speaker?  We all know that intrinsic motivation is far more powerful than sitting in a conference room while a guy in a nice suit yells “Live with passion!” at the top of his lungs. Needless to say, it’s time to modernize our approaches.  […]

Developing a Culture of Innovation: Key Factors for Success

We hear it all the time: Innovation is vital to the success of employees, leaders, and companies. It’s a sentiment as ubiquitous as those corny breakroom posters of teams rowing in the same direction or a climber offering someone a hand up to the top of a mountain.  Even so, consider the changes that have […]

How Emotional Intelligence Can Help You Get Better Results

More than skill, ambition, experience, and what college you graduated from, emotional intelligence (EQ) is the number one quality that makes a person promotable, a leader worthy of loyalty, and a group of employees a high-performing team. But EQ requires a high level of self-reflection, consistently seeking feedback and reframing setbacks as lessons to learn. […]

The Impact That Company Culture Has On Customer Service

A company’s culture plays a vital role in shaping its overall customer service experience. Today’s consumers are shrewd. They can tell if the service they are getting is “phoned in” and just part of a company’s standard operating procedure.  They can’t help but roll their eyes or tune out when they hear “our Delta family […]

Why Ongoing Learning is Key to Building High-Performing Teams

We’ve all heard it said that “If you’re not learning faster than your competition, you will fall behind.” Today, this aphorism is more valid than ever. In the current dynamic and competitive business landscape, the success of any organization relies heavily on the performance of its teams. High-performing teams exhibit exceptional productivity, innovation, and collaboration, […]

Why Teams Are Crucial to Business Success

Teamwork is essential for success in the fast-paced corporate climate today. This is true, regardless of your industry, as well as whether your company is well-established or just starting. Teams are the foundation of every organization, and their value cannot be over-emphasized. Here’s why. What is a team? There are teamwork behaviors – good communication, […]

Creating a Vision: A Key Component of Leadership

For a long time, leaders were trying to crack the code about what truly motivates employees. After all, motivated team members are a key piece of building internal and external loyalty as well as achieving profitability. Fortunately, motivation is no longer a secret. The key? Making  employees feel that their work has meaning and contributes […]

Managing Change: Strategies for Leading Through Uncertainty

Fear of change and uncertainty are common reasons leaders give for resistant or underperforming employees. Yet the speed of change and the uncertainty it brings is only increasing. As a result, leaders are unequipped to guide their employees from fear and hesitancy to confidence and action. However, there’s hope.  Employees and their leaders can boldly […]

Proven Methods to Align Your Department’s Strategies & KPIs

When striving toward success within a company, it’s essential to ensure that all departments work toward the same goals. Unfortunately, it’s all too common for different departments within an organization to be executing against different strategies and measuring their progress against different key performance indicators (KPIs). As you might imagine, this can lead to widespread […]

Addressing Team Negativity: 7 Effective Strategies

Negativity happens. But as a manager or team leader, it’s essential to address it among team members promptly and effectively. Otherwise, negativity can fester and have severe consequences on both the individual and the team. Negativity can manifest in various ways, from negative attitudes and complaints to malicious gossip and beyond. It can be contagious […]