Poster Child for Significance

Pursuit of significance

Several articles we have published have provided insights into the growing trend of people in all walks of life to reevaluate their definition of success.   A rapidly growing audience of individuals, companies, and even nations is embracing the pursuit of Significance, above and beyond financial success.  Why?  The journey to Significance feeds our hunger for […]

The Changing World of Business

Changing Business

I’ve heard it said that the only constant you’ll have in life is laundry: it’s always there, waiting to be done.  Like everything else, business is in a constant state of change.  Though we’ve changed our name, we’ve been around since 1992 and I’ve seen business morph and change on a regular basis ever since.  […]

Success to Significance

New Normal

How the Triple Bottom Line (People, Profits, Planet) is Becoming the New Normal These days, everyone seems to be talking about “the new normal.”  We see it in blogs, business journals, and newspapers.  We hear the chatter in executive forums, networking meetings, and around boardroom tables.  Common questions that define this new business environment are: […]

Building a Team

team building

It appears we’ve entered the age of narcissism, for reasons that include fear for our own well-being, companies that measure and reward individual instead of team results, a new generation of employees who feel more entitled than their older peers and a U.S. culture that reveres individual success.   Let’s face it, some amount of […]

Master of Energy

Master of Energy

Everyone is a master.  Yet we have a choice about which energy we master.  We can work to master Abundance (Abundance = overflowing health, harmony and prosperity), or we will default to the scarcity mastery (scarcity = disease, conflict and financial worry) which we have inherited.   Everything in the Universe is made of energy and all energy […]

Getting members of your team to speak up


To see American management 20 years ago, visit a company in India today.  Like many other developing countries, India imitates American business. Yes, U.S. businesses have leaped forward in many ways. But we’ve also taken several steps back. Today in this country, we often avoid conflict by tiptoeing around issues and discouraging debate. In an effort […]