4th of July Wish: Get Creative

Culture Change

Our country was founded on creativity “ACCESS TO TALENTED and creative people is to modern business what access to coal and iron ore was to steel-making”, according to author and thought-leader, Richard Florida. A common response we hear is that creativity is limited to a small group of people with particular talents. The misperception is […]

Learning Needs a New Approach

New challenges don’t have to hold back new ideas. IF YOUR SPEED OF LEARNING isn’t faster than the speed of change, you will fall behind. Employees who don’t learn maintain the status quo. Helping create a workforce that is always learning is difficult. Conflicting priorities, lack of resources, antiquated training approaches and a hard-to-break command-and-control […]

Empowerment and Health


Healthy lifestyles are a part of business success. WITH THE SAME COMMITMENT you have to empower your employees to oversee their work, lead their employees and develop their teams, you should encourage them to be empowered as possible in how they deal with the current COVID-19 crisis. Rightfully so we should be responding with social […]

Solve the Problems Not the Symptoms

improving productivity

What appears as complex is avoidance of the truth ONE OF A LEADER’S JOB is to identify and solve problems. Too often, we address symptoms masked as the root cause of a problem. It’s no wonder why leaders are spinning their wheels or feeling overwhelmed by the complexity of work. They make things complicated because […]

Why We Need A Strategy for Stress

Rebounding from COVID-19 needs a focus on resilience THE SECOND PANDEMIC has hit, and it is not a virus but the insidious, and growing level of stress. Our emotional immune systems are burned out and many of us are now in a state of managed depression. In the HBR article, “If You Feel Like You […]

Why Your Culture-Building Efforts Often Fail


Redefine culture and make it a part of how you do business. MANY OF US TOSS around the word “culture” like we do our business cards at a networking event. We know it’s important. Yet, we don’t know how to define it, nor how to create it. We also see culture as something different from […]

How Goal Setting Will Kick Start Your Life and Confidence

Culture Change

Follow the intuitive or linear approach RESTARTING THE ENGINE of our economy will require all of us to establish or recommit to goals. For that reason, now might be a good time to dust off some basic goal setting principles. Depending on your style there are two approaches to goal setting, Intuitive and Linear. If […]

How To Take Control of Your Email Issues

improving productivity

Sloppy email-use costs companies $588 billion EMAIL IS THE MOST used form of communication in business. It’s also one of the sloppiest and unproductive tools we have. According to a study conducted by a knowledge research firm, it takes workers 25 minutes to get on track after an interruption and interruptions equate to 28 percent […]